
Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk about food, my favorite type of food in general.
First of all, I don’t use to eat the food of another cultures, I don’t visit a lot of restaurant, so I don’t try another atyppical options. So when I went to restaurant, I go to buffets, where I eat the things I like the most, I don’t really like meat, so I eat many vegetables, a lot of type of salad, or stew. I don’t use a lot of ingredients, I like to eat natural salads, only using lemon and salt. But, when some people put ingredients in the food I eat it anyway. Also, I like all type of food, but I'm not picky with it. By the way, I really love salty food, I don’t eat much sweet food like cake sor chocolate.
My favorite dish is the lasagna, I really love it. But I love pastas in general, I could eat it all day all days. Sadly, I don’t eat lasagna very often because my mom is celiac, so she can’t eat pastas. But anyway, when I go to restaurants or I could make it of my own, I enjoy it so much.
Resultado de imagen para lasaña


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