Study Programme

Hi! Today I am going to write about my career and some of the aspects that I would like to change about its curriculum and the way it is taught. First of all, I study graphic design and all my subjects are all graphic oriented ones. However, I have always thought that the first two years should have more general centered subjects and not so specific and focused on one or another speciality. For example, we could have subjects about colors, drawing, among others, because I think these kind of contents are universal and basic for the learning and development for a graphic or industrial designer as these are very important subjects within the design and art world.       

Regarding teachers, on the first year there are a lot of them who are rather old and they have more analog methods of teaching and don’t quite apply the content with the softwares that are being used today.                                                                                                                            

On the other side, the faculty infrastructure because it is very old and it’s very difficult for all the classmates to work in the same space at the same time when we are doing practical and manual work mostly. Besides the classrooms are sometimes flooded when it rains and some of them are in very bad shape, I also have seen rats running around where the industrial students do their works. It is a pity that the state of every faculty in the university depends on the income each faculty generates, because if we keep that policy, the more alternative and no so traditional careers are always going to be behind in terms of infrastructure. For example, FEN, which is right besides FAU, has a totally different reality, it has. A huge library, big study rooms and even a gym. There is an enormous contrast between both faculties and I feel that it shouldn’t be like that, but an egalitarian space for the students among all the faculties of Universidad de Chile regardless of the career.


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