
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

English Class

  Hi! I hope you are well and healthy. Today I am going to write about mi experience taking this English course.  Sincerely, I always thought that this subject would be boring, however, both English courses that I have taken, have been very entertaining. Obviously because of the pandemic, classes have not been face-toface, but when I took English III I had some new classmates and I was with some friends and it was so much fun. The activities of the course were all about sharing with the other classmates and I liked that a lot. This semester with online classes it is a bit more complex, especially having all the academic load of all the other subjects, besides, I have a job on the weekends. It has been very hard to be productive in all the subjects, be present in classes, take care of my home responsibilities and work on the weekends. Despite all of that, I feel that it has bees a very good experience, the teacher has been very flexible and empathic with us. On the other hand, I think t

My Hobbie!

Hello! Today I am going to write about my hobbies, and I will do it through questions. Do you have any hobby? Since when have you done it? What are the positive and negative aspects of it? How much time do you spend on it? Do you do other things? My hobby always has been drawing and painting. I started painting with oleum when I was in primary and since then, I have always been painting and drawing and I think that from there my love for art and design was born. Through time I have improved little by little and taking classes and workshops. However, school and university classes have taken time to practice from me and nowadays I cant draw and paint as regularly as I´d like to, but still there are some days that I practice even though it is very little compared to old times. That is why I wouldn’t know how much time I dedicate to those activities because university life and work leave very little time for myself. I believe there are a lot of positives aspects in painting and drawing, li

Study Programme

Hi! Today I am going to write about my career and some of the aspects that I would like to change about its curriculum and the way it is taught. First of all, I study graphic design and all my subjects are all graphic oriented ones. However, I have always thought that the first two years should have more general centered subjects and not so specific and focused on one or another speciality. For example, we could have subjects about colors, drawing, among others, because I think these kind of contents are universal and basic for the learning and development for a graphic or industrial designer as these are very important subjects within the design and art world.        Regarding teachers, on the first year there are a lot of them who are rather old and they have more analog methods of teaching and don’t quite apply the content with the softwares that are being used today.                                                                                                                     

Postgraduate Course!

Hello! How are you? Today I am going to talk about a postgraduate course I would like to take in the future. The future for me is a very uncertain thing, I have a lot of doubts about my vocation and about what I really want to do when I graduate. However, I would like a lot to study Color Theory and Art Theory, both applied to Design. I wish to go abroad, because in Chile there is not a lot of development regarding the Art Theory or Design field, therefore, I would take presential and full-time courses. I would like to do that because I have always liked that area, but I have never had the opportunity to research more deeply about it apart from books and some subjects at the university. I also have considered taking courses that contribute to my CV and that could help me work in different areas of Design, like photography, make-up, fashion, editorial, among other disciplines.   On the other hand, when I graduate from this career, I would like to study to be a veterinarian, as I have al