
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2018

My favourite piece of technology.

The cellphone is one of the most popular technology object in the world. Is use to call another person, chat with anyone anywhere, take pictures, read books, listen music, etc. I got my first phone when I was 16, I was very happy because I could used it to listen music all day, anywhere. Right now I got a new cellphone and I can use it for many things, not only listen to music. I can chat, take pictures, send mails, do my homework, etc. It's very practical for me because it's almost like a mini computer, I can take it anywhere, and that's why I like about it. Because I can do everything only on my cellphone, I don't need a camara, a computer, to do the things on my day. So I used it almost all day. Right now I can't think a life without my cellphone, it would be very difficult to communicate to another person or with many people, like a group of people. And for example take pictures without a real camara. Also, the life would be better in the way of the reality m

Why did I choose design?

First of all, I never, NEVER, thought in my whole life that I finished stuying design. Why? Because I always wanted to study Art. However, through the years I realized that the type of art that I want to develop in my life was an “old school art”, I mean, the classic way of see the arts and not the contemporary arts. So, it was very difficult to me tried to think about another carrer. When I came back of my travels I apply to Art, at the University of Chile, but I didn’t get in. I felt sad, but my parents said to me “You got to study another thing, you cannot have another year of freedom.” From that point of view I dediced to study grafic design, at IP Santo Tomás. It was “good” at the beginning, but through the months I realized that I love the carreer, and complement very well with the things I want to do in my life, I mean, it helps. For example, I’d love to work making design in a Company, or a brand that helps people, etc. Also, in this carrer you need to have a creative min

My autobiography

Hi there, I'm going to write an autobiography in this post, so here we go... First of all, my name is Javiera Pérez. I was born in Santiago the 25 of february of 1998, so I'm 20 years old. I live in Maipú and I'm always living in the same house. I have two old brothers, they are 28 and 26, but I only live with one, the another one move to Concepción the last year. Also I live with my two parents. My childhood was very nice, because I always played around all over the house with my cousins, who live actually two houses away from me.  I study until 3th grade at Colegio Camilo Henriquez, then I finished the hight school at Colegio intercultural Trememn. After finished that, I spend two years traveling all over the south of Chile and I travel three months to Barcelona, Spain. And finally, this 2018 I’m studying desing, at the University of Chile. I have many hobbies, but the most important to me is drawing. Because I can make another things with my drawings, like ma