
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2020

My Future Job.

Hello everyone, I hope that you are all alright and healthy.  This topic is a bit complex for me because I have always had doubts about what I am going to do in the future, I have always been very indecisive about what and where to study. I always wanted to study Arts, but then I got into Design school because I thought that it was a better option to combine Art and Design and make some money doing it and also contribute to society. I really like the career I chose, mostly because it can be very flexible when I get a job and the schedules of it. However I have always dreamed about a job where the work itself it's always changing, where I can meet new people and new places. I have never pictured myself working inside an office all day, I would get very bored with that.  I think visual and media design gives me possibilities to make what I want in the future, I mean it in the way that I see it as a tool to achieve what I want to do more than a regular job title.  On the other hand, I

The Best Holidays Ever

My best vacations were when I went to the south of Chile with my parents, in January 2019. My brother was relocated for a few months to Puerto Natales because of his job and we decided to visit him with my family and travel around together. We were there for about two weeks and traveled a lot; Puerto Natales, Torres del Paine, Calafate, Punta Arenas. We did a lot of activities; we rented a car to move around more freely and we also took a tour. In Punta Arenas we took a tour to an island full of penguins near Tierra del Fuego, it was filled with Patagonian penguins that were so cute and I just fell in love with them. We also saw other animals like Toninas, that are a small dolphin-like fish, and when we were on the highway, I saw a little fox walking around. This trip was very important for me because I was able to go to some of the places I have always wanted to know, it was a very beautiful experience to get to know everything along with my family and to be able to enjoy every place